SERS Supports Second Fuel Poverty Charity 29th October 2014 SERS have become a member of Energy Action Scotland.Energy Action Scotland (EAS) campaigns for an end to fuel poverty in Scotland and is the only national body with this sole remit. Set up as a charity in 1983, EAS seeks to develop and promote effective solutions to the problem of cold, damp and expensive to heat homes.EAS’s mission statement is to eliminate fuel poverty in Scotland. Its corporate aims are:Raising awareness of fuel poverty, particularly as it affects low income households; maintaining fuel poverty as a national issue of high priority; and working towards affordable warmth for all;Identifying effective solutions which can transform cold, damp houses into warm, dry homes;Researching fuel poverty and related issues in order to provide in-depth understanding of the causes and effects and to promote best practice;Securing public and private investment for domestic energy efficiency initiatives.In order to achieve these aims, EAS needs the support of its members of which SERS is now one. Members are essential in giving EAS insight into how much progress has been made and what else needs to happen. Membership fees are also important in enabling EAS to fund its work. As a member, SERS will be supporting an effective and well established campaigning organisation.EAS are the second fuel poverty charity which SERS has supported as we have been a member of National Energy Action (NEA) for two years now. National Energy Action (NEA) is the national charity which aims to eradicate fuel poverty and campaigns for greater investment in energy efficiency to help those who are poor and vulnerable.SERS are proud to be able to support both NEA and EAS in order to help eradicate fuel poverty. As part of our membership to both organisations we will be continually communicating our message of the importance in insulating housing in order to dramatically reduce fuel bills and thus alleviate the effects of fuel poverty.Solid wall insulation can save homes hundreds of pounds a year on their fuel bills . It also helps occupants keep homes warmer for longer. Homes in fuel poverty don’t always have the resource to be able keep themselves both warm and pay for essentials such as food. And as a result, they often go without adequate heating which can affect their health. Solid wall insulation will help to alleviate this by making their homes warmer allowing them to be both warm and fed. SERS Urges Homeowners to Check the Date on Their GDHIF Voucher Best Practice Guide Roadshow to Come to an End for 2014