Do You Have a Green Deal Home Improvement Voucher? 12th September 2014 Are you one of the lucky few people who has secured yourself a Green Deal Home Improvement Voucher (GDHIF) worth up to £6000?We have recently been made aware by a number of homeowners that they have received their GDHIF voucher through a company which they are now unsure of. As a result, they are now left concerned about the way in which the voucher was applied for on their behalf and consequently whether they have a competent installer to carry out the work before their voucher expires. A few hadn’t even been provided with a quote for the works and are waiting to see what communication if any, they may receive from the retrospective company.We, therefore, wanted to help put your mind at rest and advise you how SERS can help. Below are a few questions which we have been asked:Do I have to make a financial contribution in addition to my voucher?Yes. The scheme rules state that customers must make a contribution of 25% of their quote in order to make their voucher eligible.I was advised that my installation will be fully funded is this possible?If you have been advised that you are eligible for a free installation then this is incorrect. If you have knowingly or unknowingly entered into an agreement for a ‘free’ installation then it is likely that the cost of the work has been inflated and could be with the intention of defrauding the GDHIF scheme.The scheme is a great opportunity for homeowners to improve their properties energy efficiency so long as the scheme rules are adhered to.If you are unsure and want independent advice on where you stand please contact SERS. We have 25 years of experience working in the solid wall insulation market and working with many funding streams. If you know any friends or family who may have received a voucher please also advise them.*You may not have been provided with a quote – if not please contact SERS and we can arrange a free no obligation survey on your property*.Customers have six months to redeem their vouchers – if you have a voucher but don’t yet have an installer, or would like a competitive quote to compare against one which you may already have please contact SERS. Green Deal Home Improvement Payments to take 30 Days Slough Homes Benefit from External Wall Insulation