DECC Launches £25m Central Heating Fund

2nd April 2015
DECCs new £25m Central Heating Fund (CHF) scheme has been launched and is aimed at tackling fuel poverty in households that do not use gas for heating.

The fund is available to all Local Authorities in England with Local Authorities submitting bids to compete for funding. Applications will be accepted up to and including 5th June 2015, successful applicants will be notified by 30th June 2015 and DECC would expect the work to be completed by April 2016.

Whilst the fund is for new central heating systems, DECC is encouraging Local Authorities to ensure that the properties are insulated before heating is installed.

The new central Heating fund will enable up to 8,000 fuel poor homes to stay warmer for less. Local Authorities on the front line of tackling cold homes can now apply for their share of a £25 million Central Heating Fund, the Energy and Climate Change Secretary Ed Davey has announced.

The money is expected to help fuel poor homes living off the gas grid stay warmer for less through the installation of complete first-time central heating systems.

*Content taken from DECC and NIA press releases, March 2015
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