Are They Real Bricks? July 2021 Newport City Homes - Caesar Crescent Real Bricks or Art Brick? Are they real bricks? Can you tell the difference? SERS Complete Project For Newport City Homes Using 'ArtBrick' Finish! SERS are proud to inform you that we are now an 'approved applicator' of ArtBrick.SERS has recently completed a project with Newport City Homes - Caesar Crescent, Caerleon in South Wales. The works comprised of... - New Roofing- EWI (External Wall Insulation) -Renders with the innovative 'ArtBrick' finish. So... they are not actually real bricks! So What is ArtBrick? “ ArtBrick is an advanced resin system that can be used to tint & recreate the hue of traditional brickwork onto proprietary material systems Can you tell the difference? SERS Launch New Social Media Pages Work For Us